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Welcome to the website of the Records Management Training Center!Korea’s central institute for education and training in world-class records management.

The National Archives of Korea implements a host of policies for transparent and accountable public administration, and effective utilization and safekeeping of public records. The enactment of the Public Records Management Act in 1999 and its revision in 2007 have signaled important turning points in our history.

The Records Management Training Center was accredited as a specialized professional education and training institution for records management in 2007. We have been administering practical records management training and education centered on real-world cases and working level competencies, enabling various public institutions to faithfully carry out the purport of the Public Records Management Act.

In particular, we provide education and training programs tailored to each institution and subject matter. These programs have had impressive success in raising awareness of the importance of proper records management, and enhancing practical competencies in the field.

The Records Management Training Center will continue to develop helpful educational contents and promptly disseminate the latest and useful knowledge and information through high-quality education and training services.

The Center intends to play an instrumental role in establishing sound records management culture, and serve as a venue for academic exchange in the field. We invite and encourage the active participation of all trainees.

Thank you.